Tim Swan CEO of Angican Aid issues an urgent update.
We have just heard from Bishop Martin Gordon in Goma. He said that at least 3,000 people have been killed in his city. Many thousands have been injured, and hospitals are overwhelmed. UNICEF estimates 330,000 additional children are missing out on school as a result of the recent fighting, as 2,500 schools are closed. There is widespread sexual violence, theft, and looting. Local clergy told Bishop Martin of the fear they felt as they hid in their homes, listening to gunfire as the city was taken over.
Many asked why the world was looking the other way.
Bukavu: Uncertainty, fear, and trauma From Bukavu, Bishop Bahati Bali-Busane Sylvestre told us this week: “Currently, every day, there are situations to break people’s hearts. Fighting continues in some remote areas. Attacks are regularly taking place in households at night. Victims are raped, injured, killed. So people live in uncertainty, fear, and trauma.” M23 rebels have taken control of an area roughly the equivalent distance between Sydney and Port Macquarie. With estimates of about 1 million people displaced in the east of DR Congo, Anglican Aid is working with our trusted partners Life in Abundance and the Anglican Church in DR Congo to provide people in need with emergency aid. This includes food, clothes, and medical supplies. Displaced people are being hosted in church buildings, schools, and family households.
Our Christian brothers and sisters on the ground are caring for the spiritual and emotional needs of those affected too. With help from Anglican Aid supporters, they’re setting up trauma counselling workshops, and offering God’s comfort through prayer.
Bishop Sylvestre tells us that while many activities in Bukavu are paralysed with the closure of schools, universities, and banks, churches are still functioning. They are caring for people in need and proclaiming the hope found in the gospel of Jesus. Pray that our Lord will bring comfort and strength to our Christian brothers and sisters. Pray that they may spread the hope of justice and peace that the Lord will bring at his coming.

Please pray
Pray for peace in DR Congo.
Give thanks for the love being shown to displaced people by Christians through through Anglican Aid’s partners, Life in Abundance and the Anglican Church in DR Congo.
Pray for them as they provide essential aid including food, medicine, shelter, and clothing to people displaced by violence.
Pray that the governments of DR Congo and neighbouring countries will act wisely and justly to bring peace.
Pray for God’s comfort for those who have lost loved ones or experienced trauma. Pray that God will strengthen his church in DR Congo to proclaim the gospel and bring peace to this troubled country.
To give help for the people of the DRC: https://anglicanaid.org.au/drc-aid
Main Image: Goma Image Credit: Lydie Maliki / Wikimedia