Marriage-like prayers in Church of England same-sex blessings

Draft prayers released by the Church of England, intended to be used for blessing relationships including civilly married same-sex couple contain vows and include the use of rings, much like many marriage ceremonies.

“Prayers of love and faith” redescribed as “Prayers asking for God’s blessing on same-sex couples as they give thanks for their civil marriage or civil partnership” in the official announcement. The draft texts, proposed by the bishops of the Church of England, will be considered by General Synod (the church parliament) next month alongside other proposals in response to a six-year process of discernment on questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage known as Living in Love and Faith.

An apology to LGBTIQIA persons by the Bishops accompany the prayers. It apologises for the way in which the Church has rejected or excluded them, admitting: “We have not loved you as God loves you, and that is profoundly wrong.”

Here is a sample of some of the prayers.

A prayer for a covenanted friendship

Faithful God,
in whose love we are called to abide;
give and the grace
to dwell in the gift of devoted friendship.
In their life together,
may they be bound in your love and promise all the days of their lives,
seeking each other’s welfare,
bearing each other’s burdens
and sharing each other’s joys;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

A prayer of blessing

God of generosity and joy,
with you is the well of life and in your light, we see light: we give you thanks for and N,
for the love and friendship they share,
and for their commitment to one another.
As they come before you this day,
trusting you as the giver of all good gifts,
strengthen their love by your love,
gladden their hearts with your joy,
and transform their journey through life
into a pilgrimage of grace.
By your blessing,
and with you as their companion and guide,
may they rejoice in hope and be sustained in love
all the days of their life and in the age to come.
Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Sealing of a Covenanted Friendship

The minister may say:

and N, we delight in your desire to dwell more deeply in the grace of Jesus Christ by sealing a covenant of friendship with each other. We pray that, strengthened by the prayers of your family and friends, you may know God’s help to live in love and faithfulness.

These words of promise may be used:

N, I offer myself to you in love and friendship; may these words be a seal
of my trust and delight in you.
Where you go, I shall go:

I will seek to share your burdens and your joys. I will pray that you will know God’s delight
and walk with you wherever God calls us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


N, I offer myself to you in love and friendship; may these words be a seal
of my trust and delight in you.
Where you go, I shall go:

I will seek to share your burdens and your joys. I will pray that you will know God’s delight
and walk with you wherever God calls us; through Jesus Christ our Lord


A prayer when rings are worn

God of faithfulness and joy,
source of everlasting love,
by your blessing, let these rings remind and N
of the commitment they have made to each other, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

All Amen(or)

Almighty God,
whose love is revealed in Jesus Christ and poured out in the Holy Spirit:
by your blessing, may these rings worn by your servants and N
be signs of their hope-filled covenant and of your everlasting love,
in our faithful Saviour Jesus Christ.

All Amen.

Prayers at the lighting of a candle

The couple may wish to exchange a candle or light a shared candle of dedication. As a candle is given, this prayer may be said:

N, I give you this candle
as a sign of my devotion and love for you. Where you go, I shall go;
when you thrive, I shall thrive;

when you suffer, I suffer too;

for I am bound to you till the end of my days.

All Amen. (or)

Gracious God,
from love we are made
and to love we shall return.
May our love for one another
kindle flames of joy and hope.
May the light and warmth of your grace
inspire us to follow the Way of Jesus Christ,
and serve you in your Kingdom,
now and for ever.

All Amen.

For discipleship

Eternal God,
without your grace nothing is strong, nothing is sure.
Strengthen and with patience, kindness, gentleness
and all other gifts of the Holy Spirit,
so that they may fulfil the commitment they have made.
Keep them faithful to each other and to you.
Fill them with such love and joy
that they may build a home of peace and welcome.
Make their life together a sign of Christ’s love
in this broken world,
that unity may overcome estrangement,
forgiveness heal guilt,
and joy conquer despair;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

All Amen.