100 years after Eric Liddell won gold in Paris, Christians prepare to witness at the Olympic games.

100 years ago this weekend, Christian sprinter Eric Liddell put his faith before his passion for athletics by going to church and missing the 100 metres qualifier. His inspirational story was retold in the movie ‘Chariots of Fire’. Eric’s reward came days later when he won the gold medal in the 400 metres.

“I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast,” said Eric Liddell who went on to die in an internment camp in China during WWII serving as a missionary.

On July 6th, 100 years ago, Eric gave up a long-held dream to run in the 100 metres in the 1924 Paris Olympics. Today is the closest Sunday to that date.

He chose to do this to be obedient to his belief that Sunday was the Sabbath – a day of rest. Rather than being on the track that day and running in the heats of the 100 metres he preached a sermon at the Scots Church in Paris.

5 days later – 11th July 1924, Eric ran in the final of the 400 metres and won Gold. You can watch that race here.

“I have no formula for winning the race. Everyone runs in her own way, or his own way,” Liddell said. “And where does the power come from, to see the race to its end? From within. Jesus said, ‘Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. If with all your hearts, you truly seek me, you shall ever surely find me.’ If you commit yourself to the love of Christ, then that is how you run a straight race.”

One hundred years later, the games are also being held in Paris.

The Church across France is rising to the challenge with passion. There are more than 400 events and initiatives taking place duringf the games involving 100+ different churches, ministries and organizations. They span several categories including evangelism, prayer and worship, social events, sports and play, city teams, creative arts and music.

A “love France” initiative is inviting Christians around the world to pray for france and the Christian events planned for the games. France1million is the name of a prayer initiative seeking, yes, one million prayers.


Three groups, International Prayer Connect, Ensemble 2024 and Impact France / Pray for France, are joining together to provide daily prayer updates and media updates throughout the game’s season. It will be fully online from July 22 but the site is accessible already.

Matthew Glock, Coordinator of Ensemble 2024 – the platform that serves and supports the many events said, ‘We have been bowled over by the energy, imagination and commitment that has been invested in so many projects. The Church in France is very much alive! – but we would welcome your prayers in this season.’

‘Please pray for the security and success of the games and all of the projects. Pray for the fruitful sharing of the Gospel. Pray for an impactful legacy both for France and the nations who take part!’, said Glock.