A big win for Scripture classes in schools

Better Balanced Futures

Gifts to voluntary Bible classes in schools will remain tax deductible, with the federal government rejecting a Productivity Commission recommendation that would have stripped Religious/Ethics Education in Public Schools from DGR status. Deductible gift recipients (DGR) status means that organisations are entitled to receive donations that are deductible from the donor’s income tax.

The over 11,500 volunteer Religious Education teachers who volunteer their time weekly are Australia’s largest weekly group of volunteers.

“Better Balanced Futures [the group that lobbies for voluntary religious instruction in public schools] is grateful for both this landmark commitment to parent choice and Religious Education, and also for what it communicates about the value of Religious Education in Australia,” said Murray Norman the CEO of the group.

“In my conversation with Andrew Leigh’s [Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury; Assistant Minister for Employment’s] office, this positive result and commitment came from sustained advocacy from the faith communities, the Opposition’s strong and swift response (which we helped inform), and from our united collaborative approach working with all faith communities – and the voting power they represent.”

“This is a real validation for the approach and structures we have been developing under Better Balanced Futures over many years. Now, there is still much to come – Religious Discrimination legislation federally, the Alex Greenwich Equality bill in NSW, etc – but we can see that Better Balanced Futures is able to make a real difference for people of faith and their communities.”

Minister Leigh announced a reprieve to both independent school building funds and religious education in public schools. ‘“We’ve been clear that we understand the important role our schools play in supporting communities, families and students – that includes religious schools of all denominations. While we consider the Productivity Commission’s recommendations, we will not be considering changing the tax arrangements around schools, including donations for religious education.” 

Norman urged Christians to thank their federal MPs: “We would love to demonstrate true gratitude to the Ministers and lead by example in this space. Can I please encourage you to write a short letter of thanks to your local Federal MP. 

  1. Please use this link to search for electorate and your Federal MP details, with a link to their email address.
  2. PLEASE ALSO CC ME ([email protected]) on your email so we can collate everyone’s responses and send them in one package to Minister Leigh and the Opposition.”