U.S. Olympic swimmer Hunter Armstrong may not be a fan favourite in Australia as part of the men’s 4×100 metre freestyle relay team that beat the Aussies to win the American’s first gold medal at Paris 24.
But Armstrong is one of the athletes at the Olympic games who want to proclaim Jesus as their lord and saviour. His Instagram account states, “God First.”
“That’s the first thing I want people to see and know about me,” Armstrong told Baptist Press. “As we grow, we have to make sure we have our priorities in line.
“I keep God as a priority. I can’t really live without him. I can live without swimming or being an Olympian or any of that stuff.”
He told Baptist Press he used to feel he was on the edge of being a Christian. But breaking up with a girlfriend and the death of his grandfather caused a rethink. “
“The biggest catalyst for change in life tends to be pain,” Armstrong said. “Sometimes God will put you in a position where you have no other choice than to turn to him.
“That’s been the biggest change that I’ve made this year. I promised at (world championships) that if he would help me get out of this, then I would embrace it.”
Other members of the US swim team have encouraged him in his faith. Carson Foster – who has now won a Silver medal in the 4 x 2000 freestyle relay – by inviting him to participate in group Bible studies for competitive swimmers.
“Truly, my goals for Paris are just to do my best and see what the results are,” Armstrong said prior to the Olympics. “I think everybody here wants a gold medal, but I’ve overcome so much this year that I’m just happy to be here.
“Obviously, I want to have a great performance for myself, my country and my teammates. But if I walk away and I don’t have a single medal or a single best time, I can still walk away knowing that I represented myself well—and God.”
“Truly, my goals for Paris are just to do my best and see what the results are,” Armstrong said prior to the Olympics. “I think everybody here wants a gold medal, but I’ve overcome so much this year that I’m just happy to be here.
Signing John 14:6
16-year-old Brazilian skateboarder Rayssa Leal displayed her faith before the watching world by signing that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. She went on to win bronze in the women’s street skateboarding final.

Defying Gravity
Its been called the pic of the year. Its of surfer Gabriel Medina and his surfboard seemingly levitating. But its an AFP photo so we can’t show it to you. But google his name. If you get his instagram you’s see he put “Tudo posso naquele que me fortalece” 🙏🏻🥷🏻 🇧🇷
Filipenses 4:13″ next to it. As you might have guessed that translates as “I can do everything through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 Its not the best version of this verse – but lets applaud his faith.
(Compare The context using the NIV: “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12–13.
Mission teams fan out across Paris
A report from Marty Woods in Paris
Despite a secular reputation Paris has been welcoming to the mission teams fanning out across the host city of the Olympic Games.
One of the groups that is typically part of the outreach, Youth with a Mission (YWAM,) were expecting things to be closed down, yet what they have experienced is the opposite – so much openness! They have over 500 people doing mission over the Olympic period.
After morning worship and teaching, they spread across the city outreaching to different districts. They use sport, one-on-one evangelism, music and dance as well as opportunities to give testimonies.
After the first week they have seen 180 people making commitments, over 100 Parisians have been connected with local churches. They estimate that over 2000 people have heard the Gospel.
One of the team – David, reported how met a young man from Indonesia who lives in Paris. His parents converted from Christianity to Islam when he was younger, and he was explaining about witchcraft in his family history. He was sitting on a park bench, in his mind he was tormented, “screaming for help.” It was at that moment that David sat down next to him.
‘We began to talk about Jesus,’ said David. ‘And after a while, he told me he wanted to completely give his whole life to Jesus. He had experienced so many spiritual battles but after we prayed, he told me he felt so much peace!”
Visiting the ‘Hub’ in Paris
Supporting these groups is Ensemble 2024 – a collaboration of associations, churches, clubs and individuals from across France. Its aim is to unite those who see the 2024 Games as a unique opportunity to significantly impact French society, tourists and fans. Its goal is to bring the Good News to all they can and to leave a lasting legacy for the French Church and community.
There are over 500 events planned under the Ensemble 2024 banner across the period of the Games and Para-Games. They involve thousands of organisers reaching out to and involving millions of participants. Heading it up is Matthew Glock, the Coordinator.
Speaking from the Hub, the base where a team is supporting those doing mission, Matthew says, ‘Our vision was to create a space where good things can happen – where people from around the world, and from many types of Church ministry projects can meet and interact in a free way. What we have here, is a reflection of this vision becoming a reality!
‘It has been a joy over the past week to welcome evangelism teams, serving athletes, intercessors, Christian media, a Bible ministry and countless others – crossing paths and being the body of Christ… it is just amazing!’, said Matthew.
‘When we started with this vision at Ensemble 2024, ‘unity’ was our core value. We wanted the world to see that we are one… and we are seeing this happen, said Matthew.’
How would you illustrate the Ensemble vision, Matthew? ‘A good illustration of the Ensemble 2024 vision would be that of sowing seeds…. creating spaces in a garden to see what happens… with the hope of seeing colourful bouquets of flowers grow!’
Have there been any surprises?! ‘For me one of the less predictable, but exciting outcomes has been the number of divine connections taking place both here at the hub and in hundreds of spaces across the city. God is connecting people in amazing ways, and I include myself in this! I was praying for a sensitive situation in another country, involving a believer who is in an ‘at risk’ predicament. Two ‘chance’ meetings have opened doors to provide a refuge for that person.’
How should we pray? ‘Please continue to pray for the many outreach efforts across Paris and other cities. Pray also for perseverance for everyone, especially the team leaders who are mobilising all their people, may they be refreshed and encouraged for the remaining time of the Games.”
Get prayer points to pray for France and the Paris Olympics, especially for christian witnesses at the games https://www.lovefrance.world
The France 1 Million initiative, spearheaded by International Prayer Connect, has a vision to make a gift from the worldwide Church of 1 million prayers for France during the main and Para-games.
At the time of writing, 160,000 prayers have been gifted from 74 nations.
Gifts of individual prayer(s) or larger pledges on behalf of churches, organisations, or houses of prayer can be made at www.lovefrance.world.
Main Image: Hunter Armstrong at Olympic trials. Image Credit: INVMANMOM/Wikimedia