Setotaw’s journey from Ethiopia to Australia and back

From Maychew to Sydney Detail

Peter Bentley reviews From Maychew to Sydney ‘Praise the Lord’

I was provided with a copy of this book by a friend who thought I would find it of interest. My friend is mentioned in the book, but the point was not to highlight this, but for me to learn about the extraordinary ministry that has developed through the faithful witness of one man.  The book is a memoir from Setotaw Befekadu, outlining his journey from Ethiopia to Australia, and then back and forth, as he was led to establish a prison ministry in his home country. 

One good aspect of our modern era is the opportunity for people to tell their stories through self-publishing. The book briefly encapsulates the modern history of Ethiopia, with the story of his father featuring the time of the Italian occupation and resistance, the return of Emperor Haile Selassie II, and then life during the early part of the communist period. 

Setotaw came to Australia in 1976 on a scholarship courtesy of a friend with two scholarships. He was not very educated in the Christian faith at that time, but keen, and went to study theology at the AFCI Illawarra Bible College. This was part of the Ambassadors for Christ International training program. Located in Katoomba, this would be the first of several cold areas for his studies, the others being Bathurst and Armidale. The weather contrast is a highlighted point!

It was fascinating to learn of God’s guidance for his first return to Ethiopia in the 1980s, finding his life partner Sara, their marriage and family life and his eventual career as a mathematics teacher in Australia. There is also the story of the establishment and development of the independent evangelical Ethiopian church in Australia and an open consideration of their struggles at times. 

This is where my friend comes in. Joy Jarman and her late husband Bob were returned missionaries from Ethiopia, and they provided their home for the initial fellowship to meet. They then continued to give support and guidance to generations of Ethiopians who have made Australia their home. 

Joy celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this year, and a group of Ethiopian friends, including Setotaw provided a moving musical tribute as part of this wonderful time of thanksgiving to God. Another incredible part of the gathering was the attendance and sharing from Joy’s now 97 year old missionary colleague Shirley (from Melbourne), who had been the maid of honour at Joys’ wedding in Ethiopia.

The fruit of Setotaw’s journey to Sydney is seen not only in his family and church, but in the growth of the prison ministry Eloi Ethiopian Prison Ministry .

It all started with answering a call from God to help in this very under-resourced and difficult context. Stepping out in faith without knowing where the needed resources would come from, but trusting that all would be provided, and Praise the Lord, they have been.

Peter Bentley pkbentleyarchive.com

From Maychew to Sydney, ‘Praise the Lord’ by Setotaw Befekadu, Independently published. Available on Amazon $33

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