‘Chatting to People About Jesus is Unnecessary’

Woman covers mouth

Charles Brammall answers a common challenge.

Jeremiah chapter 20 vs 9:

“If I, Jeremiah, (an Old Testament prophet/messenger of God) didn’t mention Him (God), or speak any longer in his name… His message becomes a fire burning in my heart, shut up in my bones. I become tired of holding it in, and I cannot prevail.”

Why is this verse my equal favourite in the Bible? Jeremiah, one of God’s messengers, effectively says (Charles Brammall version): 

“If I ever say ‘I won’t mention Him (God) or speak any longer in Hid name.’… then His message would become a fire burning in my heart,
shut up in my bones.
I would become tired of holding it in, and I could not succeed.”

I adore this verse because it resounds deeply with something I experience, too. I want to feel this same frustration and burning up as Jeremiah did when I am unable to introduce people to Jesus; to chat to them about His death in our place and His return to life to give US a new life for eternity.

And thanks to God, I HAVE begun to feel like this. And I pray God will make this my default experience.

But… in the end, chatting to people about Jesus is unnecessary, isn’t it? 

And not just unnecessary but sometimes unloving, insensitive, and immoral.

They may not be interested or be from another religion. Or had a bad experience with Christians in the past.

Or it might make them angry or think that I’m being exclusive or judgemental…

Surely, chatting to people about Jesus is inappropriate.

No, it’s not actually- it’s the exact opposite. Highly appropriate, crucial, and tremendously relational.

The Bible says, in Romans chapter 20 vss 10-15,

“But how then, can they call on H Him (Jesus), if they have not BELIEVED in Him?
And how can they believe without HEARING about him?
And how can they hear without a ‘preacher’ (a friend who TELLS them)?
And how can they (tell people) unless they are SENT?
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”

(That is when our feet carry us to friends and family to tell them about Jesus our feet are “beautiful” in God’s sight.

My brother once house shared with a professional ballerina. Her feet were frightful from wearing points. Mangled, bruised, and bloody. Shrunken, twisted and agonising to walk on.

But she was a Christian lady, so God saw her feet as beautiful! She brought the good news to her friends and family- chatted with them about Jesus.

If she had been forced to stop “speaking… in His name… then His message would have become a fire burning in her heart,
shut up in her bones.
She would have become tired of holding it in, and she could not have succeeded.”

If I love God and follow Him, and rely on Jesus’ death in my place to be forgiven, His Word will have this effect on me- I WON’T BE ABLE to hold it in. It will keep forcing its way to the surface like a balloon I try and hold underwater.

Praise God. His Word will always be buoyant, so do not stay sub-marine!


Our gracious God and loving Heavenly Father,

Thank You, Your Word will always try to find its way out of my heart and onto my lips. Please fill me, by Your Spirit, with boldness, and give me wisdom, love and sensitivity as I chat to people about You. In Jesus’ glorious name. Amen

Graciously Heavenly Father,

Please help me to pray for my loved ones who don’t yet know you. For friends (……………..) and family (………..). Please give me the courage to chat with them about You. For the sake of Jesus’ powerful name. Amen

My gracious God and loving Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your great power in changing our lives by Your Spirit and through Your Word. Please continue changing me to be more like Jesus, and to have an unquenchable desire to share Him with people. For the exultation of His name. Amen