A kick start for Bible study groups

Karl Faase interviews Ken and Wachuka Kaman

Karl Faase, the host of a new video series called Encounter, which chronicles encounters with Jesus, is hosting two free nights online to help small groups start the year with a gospel focus.

“This isn’t just about watching an episode,” Olive Tree media announced. “Karl Faase, host of the series, will host your group – sharing exclusive insights, behind-the-scenes stories, and reflections that bring the series to life. Plus, you’ll have the chance to ask questions and engage with the stories on a deeper level—setting the stage for a rich group experience in the weeks ahead as you explore the episodes and discussion guide.”

There are two nights scheduled. Tuesday, 11th February – 7:30 PM AEDT or Wednesday, 12th February – 7:30 PM AEDT. Register or find out more at https://www.olivetreemedia.com.au/watch/

Details about Encounter are here https://www.olivetreemedia.com.au/watch/series/encounter/

When The Other Cheek asked Karl Faase recently what was the most surpring Encounter interview he did, this is what he said: “The most surprising was Aaron McKitrich. We first arranged to interview Aaron’s wife Taiha who came to faith out of the New Age and occult. She was married to Aaron who had become a Christian a few years before and was leading a new church for bikers in Vancouver Island in Canada. He, with other “brothers” from his biker ministry, were doing a mission ride down the west coast of the US so we met him in San Francisco for the interview. The surprise was that I really didn’t know that much of his story. 

“Turns out that Aaron had no faith background in his family, was the lead singer of a death metal band and if he had any religious affiliation at the time, it would have been a satanist. His story was one of starting to interact with Christians, considering faith and then in his room alone he challenged God to ”do something”, and God did. It’s a wonderful interview as is the interview with his wife Taiha.”

Image: Karl Faase interviews Ken and Wachuka Kaman