Brindabella Christian College goes into administration

Money $100

Staff at Brindabella Christian College a 1200-student school in Canberra which has been unable to pay its staff and owes the ATO a reported $8 million has been placed into voluntary administration.

Staff received a note from Deloitte this afternoon.

“5 March 2025

“To the staff of Brindabella Christian College, Brindabella Christian Education Limited

“ABN: 21 100 229 669

“t/as Brindabella Christian College (the “College”)

Please be advised that we, Sal Algeri and Sam Marsden were appointed Joint and Several Administrators (Administrators) of Brindabella Christian College on 5 March 2025, pursuant to the provisions of Section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001.

“As the Administrators, we will assume responsibility for the business and all the operations of Brindabella including all matters concerning staff and suppliers of the College in respect to its ongoing trading from the date of our appointment. Therefore, it will be business-as-usual strategy while we undertake an urgent assessment of the College’s operations and financial position.

“The administration process will run concurrently with the ongoing operations of the College to deliver education outcomes to all students. The administration process will (to the maximum extent possible) not impact student classes, and all teaching and learning will continue to be led by the Executive & College Principals as well as the Executive Director of the Early Learning Centres. The Administrators do not intend to be involved in this area of the College’s operations.

“All wages and entitlements during the Administration period will be paid by the Administrators at the ordinary pay cycle. The Administrators will also attend to the payment of any back pay from the last pay run.

“We are committed to working with the staff, management team, board, and other key stakeholders to ensure that the best educational and financial outcomes are achieved for the college and all relevant stakeholders.

“As the College progresses through the voluntary administration process, we will continue to provide regular updates to parents, carers, guardians, staff, and the wider College community. It is our intention to convene a town hall for the benefit of the wider College community as soon as is reasonably practicable.

“We understand that this may be a challenging time for some and would like to remind all College staff that they can utilise Marymead CatholicCare’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) if required. The EAP provides free, voluntary and confidential counselling services for employees and can be reached by telephone on 1800 068 698 or by email at [email protected]

“If you have any questions, you can contact the Deloitte team by email at [email protected] or through our dedicated telephone hotline on 1800 955 948.

“Yours faithfully, Sal Algeri and Sam Marsden Joint and Several Administrators


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