A Life of Pastoral Ministry founded in Scholarship

Robert Iles books

Peter Bentley writes on remembering UCA minister Robert Iles

Many South Australian readers will be familiar with Rev. Dr Robert Iles and his teaching and pastoral ministry, particularly within the Uniting Church. This year, a fitting tribute to Robert has come about with the publication of two volumes of selected lectures and sermons.

The first volume comprises the revised lectures on the 19th century philosopher and theologian Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855), originally delivered by Robert Iles to the Chaplains of the Royal Australian Air Force, and the second volume includes reflections from former parishioners and selected sermons and writings.

Study of Kierkegaard has found renewed interest this century, including an episode on the Undeceptions Podcast with John Dickson (No. 103), and Robert’s lectures will help to further explain this interest.

As Neil Andrew AO outlines in the introduction to the volume on Kierkegaard lectures; 

Rev. Dr. Robert Iles was a courageous theologian, much-loved pastor and very effective communicator. His death at only 60 years of age in 2009 generated calls from many of his friends in congregations and ministry to celebrate his ministry in an on-going way. They believed that all who had the privilege of knowing Robert as colleague, teacher, pastor and friend would wish to find a tangible way in which to remember him and continue his teaching and ministry. This led to the Robert Iles Memorial Trust Fund being established in 2011 under the auspices of the [then] National Council of the Assembly of Confessing Congregations of the Uniting Church as Trustee, and a committee of management being appointed to attend to various initiatives of the Fund. 

The initiatives included a number of well-attended annual lectures presented by leaders in a significant theological area, and now these two volumes.

A launch to recognise Robert’s life and work and the publication of the two volumes, will be held in South Australia at Walkerville Uniting Church (17 Smith Street, Walkerville) on 

Sunday, October 13 2024, at 2.00 pm. 

This will be a wonderful time of reunion and public support for the venture from Robert’s family, friends and colleagues. Speakers will include Mary Hawkes and former SA Uniting Church Moderator, Rev. Rob Williams. 

The two volumes will be available to purchase at the launch and also from:

Mr. Neil Andrew, PO Box 495, Walkerville, SA 5081

Cost: $10 per volume ($20 for the two volumes), plus postage.

Postage is $10 for up to 4 sets of the two volumes.

Payment Arrangement: can be made online. For details contact Peter Bentley

[email protected]

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