Ugandan archbishop tells Welby to repent, accusing him of destroying the Anglican Communion

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The leader of the Church of Uganda, Archbishop Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu issued a strong condemnation of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, in a Heart of Kigali video interview at the Gafcon conference. He was responding to the Church of England move towards same-gender blessings.

“I am disappointed because in Uganda, the message of the gospel came from Church of England in 1877. The first missions came, and we had polygamy as a normal way of marriage, and every man had 3, 4, 5 women. And they ceased having [that number of] wives because of the gospel. And now when we hear a message that, now even a man can have another man’s wife or same-sex marriages is also marriage.

“We get disappointed that those who brought the gospel to us are turning away from what they brought to us. .. So we just call upon Archbishop Justin to repent and, they should really reverse the decision they made, which is destroying the Anglican Communion.”