An Obadiah Slope Column
Reading Atlantic journalist Anne Applebaum’s book on Autocracy, Inc clarifies Obadiah’s thoughts on current events. She chronicled the communist takeover of Eastern Europe in Iron Curtain:The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944–1956, one of the best books on Obadiah’d bookshelf, It will drain any vestige of doubt about communism as actually practised and democracy being opposites.
So it was fascinating to read her on Putin’s Russia. “Russians hear even less [than Chinese people] about what happens in their own cities. Instead, they are told constantly about the decline of places they don’t know and have mostly never visited: America, France, Britain, Sweden, Poland, countries apparently filled with degeneracy, hypocrisy, and Russophobia…
“Americans who rarely think about Russia would be stunned to learn how much time Russian state television devotes to America’s culture wars, especially arguments over gender. Putin himself has displayed an alarmingly intimate acquaintance with Twitter debates about transgender rights, mockingly sympathising with people he says have been “cancelled.” In part this is to demonstrate to Russians that there is nothing to admire about the liberal democratic world.
“But this is also Putin’s way of building alliances between thehis domestic audiebces and his supporters in Europe and North America, where he has a following on the authoritarian far right, having conveinced some naive conservatives that Russia is a ‘white Christian state.’ In reality, Russia has very low church attendance , legal abortion , and a multiethnic population containing millions of Muslim citizens.”
Now, some may be thinking that Trump has out-Putin-ed Putin. Certainly, Soviet TV will need to find something to replace the transgender line. But despite Trump’s attempt to pull apart USAID, and the Education Department and to re-segregate toilets for birth genders, Russia would still seem closer to the society portrayed in 1984.
It might seem odd, brave or crazy to say it, but George Orwell’s declaration in his 1948 political essay In Defence of Comrade Zilliacus that given the choice, despite being a man of the left, he would choose the US over the Soviet Union still rings true to Obadiah. (The essay title is satirical, Zillicus was pro-Soviet with good contacts in Russia.) Note some further ironies in this quote from the essay:
“We are no longer strong enough to stand alone, and if we fail to bring a western European union into being, we shall be obliged in the long run to subordinate our policy to that of one Great Power or another. And in spite of all the fashionable chatter of the moment everyone knows in his heart we should choose America. the great mass of people in this country would, I believe, make this choice almost instinctively.”
Trump or no Trump.
Melbourne Baptist minister Murray Campbell has published twenty lessons from his twenty years in pastoral ministry. Obadiah is not sure whether he added one lesson for each year of ministry to his list, but number 19 stood out for him.
“19. Theological liberalism is an easy gospel enemy to spot, but there is an emerging conservatism that we need to be aware of and keep away from the church.
“Christian Nationalism, which conflates common grace with the Gospel, and Church with State, is a growing concern not only in the United States but also in segments of Australian Churches.
“This isn’t a biggy at Mentone Baps, but knowing this flavoured heresy is gaining popularity in some circles, I have already begun talking about these issues in sermons and discipleship (and of course on this blog). The Gospel is neither left nor right. Our mission isn’t defined by a side of politics, but by the Lordship of Christ and his Gospel that brings the forgiveness of sins.”

Another one for sale: Within walking distance of Obadiah’s habitation, but in the neighbouring suburb of Ashbury, a Uniting Church property is up for auction on March 13. The church and “peace memorial hall” have been looking sad and neglected for some time.
But Obadiah sees the gradual disappearance of churches – this one is likely to be demolished – in the inner suburbs as a barrier to church planting because existing use rights won’t be easily restored.
Downunder Scot: There’s nothing as attractive as humility in a minister in Obadiah’s experience. He was drawn to the –if anything, radically self-deprecating – self description transplanted Scot David Robertson gives of his time down under. He’s just become a permanent resident. “I came to work with City Bible Forum and then two years later with Sydney Anglicans Evangelism and New Churches department. Neither of these really worked out – much of which was my fault – I was a square peg in a round hole. Coming to Newcastle to a small, declining church, Scots Kirk, was not in our plan. But both of us, especially Annabel, thought it was the right thing to do – and suited to my limited gifts. I find it interesting that both of my previous ministries were in churches which were in decline – and the Lord in his mercy turned them around. We pray He will do the same here.
“After 15 months here we are seeing some good signs – although it is a tough gig. But for me the sweet part is this – I get to teach the Bible every week – and I get to serve on the pastoral and evangelistic front line again. For me it is all about Christ and people. Whether its a 95 year old man in a care home; or teaching a six-year-old boy catechism; or atheists who are beginning to backslide from their atheism; or the backslidden Christian who is thinking about returning to the Lord; or the teenager who just wants to know more of the Bible; or the grieving mother seeking comfort from Christ – it is wonderful to be able to give to people the only thing I have – Christ as taught to us in the Scriptures. I would rather sit at the bedside of an aging saint whose eyes fill with tears as you read and pray with them, than give a lecture to a large audience of my peers!”
And if anyone is looking for a Church in Newcastle, give Hamilton Presbyterian a go.