Grace isn’t All THAT Amazing.

Grace Kelly nikmarvel on deviant art

John’s Gospel Chapter 1:14-18:

“The Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed His glory, the glory as the One and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John (the Baptist) testified concerning Him, “This was the One of Whom I said, ‘The One coming after me RANKS ahead of me, because He EXISTED before me.’”

16 Indeed, we have all received grace upon grace from His fullness,

for the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son, who is Himself God and is at the Father’s side—He has revealed Him.”

In my equal favourite verse in the Bible (see yesterday’s post), John’s gospel chapter 1 vs 16, John, Jesus’s most beloved apostle, says:

“Indeed, we have all received grace upon grace from His fullness.”

The expression “grace UPON grace” means something like Grace to the Nth degree,

Grace “Leap-frogging” over more Grace, or “Uber”-grace”.

“Hyper”-grace, Grace tumbling over more grace, or Grace to the superlative degree.

Google times grace, Grace infinitely refreshed, or even Grace “on speed” if you like!

That is, EVERY part of our lives is because of God’s luxuriant, lavish, indescribable grace to us.

“Grace” is God HOLDING BACK from us the judgement we deserve, AND, generously giving us what we DON’T deserve- His forgiveness, reunion with Him, and adoption as His loved children and Jesus’ brother.

And as if this wasn’t enough, God’s very existence, in perfect relationship for eternity- Father, Son and Spirit- is His gracious gift to us. He didn’t HAVE to be like that.

His creation of the universe for us to enjoy, care for and control is His gracious gift to us. He didn’t HAVE to do that.

The very fact He created us, His gift of life- for relationship with Him and each other is a gift of grace to us- He didn’t HAVE to do that. He could have left us uncreated. Or unable to hear Him and reply.

The fact that He speaks- through His creation, His Word, His Son, and in our experience. And that we can respond to Him. That is a gift of grace to us. He didn’t HAVE to do that. He could have played His cards close to His chest and stayed silent, and chosen not reveal Himself.

And His supreme act of grace- sacrificing His only Child Jesus to come to earth as human and die in place of us. To forgive us, reunite us with Himself, and rescue us from the consequences of our ignoring or rebelling against Him. He didn’t HAVE to do that.

And the list goes on…

That is, everything God has EVER DONE is an extravagant, lush, sumptuous act of grace, for the glory of His name, and for our eternal joy.

John Newton, C18 and 19 slave, then slave trader, then converted Christian, preacher, and slavery abolitionist, expressed it perfectly in his hymn:

“AMAZING grace, how SWEET the sound, that saved a WRETCH like me,

I once was LOST, but now am FOUND, was BLIND, but now I SEE.”

That’s right- grace IS, ALL THAT AMAZING.


Our gracious God and loving Heavenly Father,

Please, by your grace, help me to understand Your grace, and be gracious in ALL my relationships. For the glory of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Gracious Heavenly Father,

Please help to understand deeply Your grace to me in sending the Lord to die in my place and bring me a new relationship with You, and an assured place in glory. For the sake of Jesus’ powerful name.

Dear Father,

Please help my friends and family who haven’t yet surrendered to You, to understand Your indescribable grace to them, come to You, and luxuriate in that lavish grace. So that Your name might be glorified, Amen.

Our gracious God and loving Heavenly Father,
Thank you giving me a new beating soft heart of flesh towards You, through the death of Your only Child Jesus in place of me.
For the glory of His eternal name,

Dear God,
Please forgive me for my hard heart towards You. And please perform Your life-giving surgery on my friends and family who don’t yet know You,
In Jesus’ powerful name,

Dear Heavenly Father,
Your grace is amazing. It is a sweet sound to my ears and heart. And it has saved me, wretch that I am. Thank you that having been lost You have now found me. And having been blind You have given me 20/20 vision about You.
For the glory of Your name,

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