Quiz Worx, which has been introducing kids to Jesus through puppetry and gospel-focused scripting since 1998, have just launched their 2025 video Jesus is in Control.
“How often do things around us feel out of control? People get sick, families split up. There are wars, out of control weather & sometimes even out of control hair!,” but Quiz Worx offers an answer.
“Join Matt and Rosie as they share from the Bible that Christians believe and trust, that even when life is messy and things seem out of control…Jesus is in control!
“Our brand new Easter video, Jesus is in Control, has puppets, music, stories and best of all COMFORT and HOPE!”
To view the full video, sign up (it is free) at https://www.quizworx.com/jesusincontrol/
This 19-minute video is ideal for use in SRE (NSW) and RI (QLD) classes and assemblies (if 19 minutes is too long for your class, you can also download the video in two parts). It is recommended by the creators of Beginning with God, Connect, Big Questions and GodSpace, and supports the learning outcomes of these curricula.
The Other Cheek asked Quiz Worx’s Creative Director, Matt Gorton, about the thinking behind the video.
“As I look around at the world, I often feel like things are so chaotic and out of control. I mean, just look at the news feeds, and you can feel quite despondent and hopeless. And I don’t think it is just me… this is the world that our kids are growing up in as well. And so, of course, they can feel like things are out of control.
“And yet, as a Christian, we are told that God is sovereign, is in control, and loves us. And this is something I want to tell kids.
But that can so often feel like there’s a clash. How can I trust in a good, loving and sovereign God while this world is so messy and mucked-up?
“Well, that’s the starting point of this video.
“If ever there is a time that seemed completely out of control, it was surely when the one truly good and truly innocent and truly loving person who ever lived was betrayed by a close friend, arrested while his other friends deserted him, denied by his closest friend, beaten and mocked, turned against by the crowds who he had come to serve, unjustly sentenced to die a criminals death, and finally left alone to die a horrific death. Surely, the out-of-control events of Good Friday make the idea of a good, sovereign and loving God a pipe dream.
“And yet… the gospel of John, again and again, recounts that what was happening was “Just as Jesus had said.”
“In other words – even as things seem out of control – Jesus was in control.
“And then Easter Sunday reminds us that this is NOT just a pipe dream. Jesus beat death! He showed that he was and is in control.
“And if that can be true during the most horrific weekend of all of history… then that can give us comfort and hope, and something to cling to, during all the mess and chaos of our world.
“At least, that’s the hope. I guess people will have to watch to see if it helps them. But it does help me.”