Pastor Paula White-Cain, faith advisor to President Trump and head of the the White House Faith Office, wants you to send her money for Easter.
“April the 12th at sundown through the 20th is God’s supernatural miracle working season. I’ll tell you all about it, but just before I do, I want to give you an opportunity to bring his tithe and your offering into the storehouse. Let’s give generously to God. He’s a good God and if he’s blessed you be a blessing to this ministry…” she says on her Paula pod.
“And how do you say thank you to God? Prayer, praise. Sometimes I say praise your way through it, spending time with him, honouring him, acknowledging him, bringing your family together, your friends, giving to him. There’s so many different ways that you honour this time. So I want you to mark on your calendar April 12th through the 20th, and I want you to seek the Lord. I mean, sometimes I’ll take a feast season and I will fast through it. Sometimes I give extreme, sometimes I take a day or two off and I just dedicate that to the Lord. Sometimes it’s in my service to others, but it cannot be business as usual. It has to be like I recognise this is a divine appointment and I will keep it for the sake of myself and my family and you’re not doing it so I can get deliverance. But you do know it is an appointment for your deliverance and I want you to believe that that God who is a faithful God will apply the blood covenant of Jesus Christ and give you and your family a miracle for all people to see so that you can testify to the goodness of God.”
Voiceover: “Passover is April 12th through the 20th and is the first of God’s appointed holy days with specific instructions for their observance in Deuteronomy 16. None shall appear before the Lord empty handed.”
White-Cain “Our father designed these biblical feast to be opportunities for him to commune with his children in intimacy. “
Voiceover: “Call toll-free, write text to give or go to Paula White TV with your best Passover Easter resurrection offering of $125 or more. Paula wants to send you a special olive wood communion set from the Holy Land beautifully designed to help you experience the joy of communion every day. This set contains two olive wood cups, grape juice and unleavened bread from Israel, and a booklet on how to celebrate the Lord’s supper all in an attractive commemorative box set. You will also receive Paula’s Passover devotional, her series, and a special disc on communion she recorded with Perry Stone.
“Or for your best Passover offering of $50 or more, you’ll receive Paula’s devotional and series with communion CD and in addition to all these resources for your special Passover offering of $1,000 or more, as the Holy Spirit leads, you will also receive the beautiful 10 inch Waterford crystal cross.
“Don’t miss your moment to release seven supernatural blessings and provision into your life. Join Paula in taking communion during our special Good Friday online global communion service at noon Eastern on April 18th. Honour the Lord with your best commanded Passover offering and get ready to celebrate his mercy and grace. This Passover Easter resurrection season. “
On a more positive note, Mark Tooley president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy writes of White-Cain’s role and “the price of excessive collegiality between rulers and priests.”
“As organized Christianity continues its decline in America, the focus needs to be on winning new souls to faith, not fierce prophetic denunciation of or affirmatively chaplaining the king.”
Image: Paula White-Cain and Donald Trump. Image Credit: Paula White-Cain Instagram
A grifter indeed. So very sad to see. As someone has said:
Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.
No money involved! Not ever.