Uphold, a group supporting mistreated gospel workers, welcomes NDA changes

A statement from Uphold, a non-profit, says it is “providing support for Gospel Workers who have been mistreated, abused or unfairly dismissed.” 

Sydney Anglican Synod passes groundbreaking motion into NDAs

With over 600 parishes, organisations and schools under the umbrella of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, after more than eight years of pushing for change by Uphold and others, the Sydney Anglican Synod recently passed a groundbreaking motion regarding non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

Over eighteen months ago, an NDA Committee was convened by the Synod Standing Committee and tasked with looking at the use of NDAs by parishes, organisations and schools in the diocese. After much work, this committee produced a report that was against NDAs and sought to limit their use.

The report found that NDAs have been widely used in the Diocese of Sydney and that it is possible they have been used to cover up ungodly behaviour. The writers of the report acknowledged that Sydney Anglican churches, organisations and schools have a long and shameful history of covering up sin.

After one amendment to the motion was debated and subsequently opposed during the session held on Tuesday

24 September, the motion was passed by Synod with unanimous support.

In the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, this now means that:

  • NDAs will not be used to keep confidential anything except the details of any financial settlement as well as the nature of that settlement. Any NDA that contravenes the principles and recommendations of the report will be deemed not acceptable.
  • Those who have signed NDAs in the past can approach (with a representative, if needed) parishes/organisations/schools and ask to be released from them.
  • The Synod Standing Committee will publish a model policy and pledge to encourage each parish, organisation and school under its banner to adopt it.

Synod will consider a motion at its next session in 2025, which will recommend an apology to all those who have been subject to NDAs that contravene the principles and recommendations of the report.

Uphold encourages anyone who has signed an NDA with a Sydney Anglican Diocese parish, organisation or school to consider seeking release from it. If you need help in doing so Uphold can provide assistance, otherwise you can contact the relevant parish, organisation or school directly.

Uphold would like to give its great thanks to God for leading and guiding this process of much-needed change. We would also like to recognise the work of the NDA Committee, in particular, Chairperson Archdeacon Simon Flinders.

For those seeking assistance or further information, please contact Uphold via email at [email protected]

The full NDA Report can be found HERE, and the motion passed can be found HERE (pages 18 – 19).

NOTE from The Other Cheek: the unsuccessful amendment would have removed a provision keeping financial settlements confidential.


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