Charles Brammall remembers a great interview.
In a scintillating Sep 2008 interview with Archbishop Peter Jensen and ABC Radio Drive Show host (the splendid Richard Glover), they discussed the subject of “faith”. Richard said something akin to:
“I’d like to have faith Peter. I admire yours. Maybe I’m even a bit jealous. But no matter how hard I try I just can’t do it. I can’t summon it up.”
Richard speaks for many many people. It’s a frighteningly common experience.
But what does the Bible say?
Paul the Apostle says in his letter to the Ephesians, chapter 2 vss 8-9:
“You are saved by grace through faith, and THIS (faith) is NOT FROM YOURSELVES- it is GOD’S GIFT, NOT from (doing good) works, so that no one can boast.”
How do we respond to this verse? To God’s grace to us in Jesus death? Surely the only proper response is to rely and depend on Him, trust in Him, with our whole lives, minute by minute.
That is, our response to His Words “faith is not from yourselves, it is God’s gift, not from (doing good) works”,
is to PUT our faith in Him.
But… EVEN the ability to trust Him is something that HE graciously GIVES us. We don’t muster it up ourselves. That is, HE saves US, from go to woe. There is NOT A SINGLE THING we contribute to our own salvation.
The ONLY thing we can contribute is the thing very thing we need rescuing FROM- our rebellion against Him or ignoring Him.
So, can we take any credit for our salvation? No! Even my good works, or keeping of the 7 (or 2!) sacraments, or achieving the five levels of enlightenment won’t do it. Or performing the 5 rituals of the Arabic religion. No. BY NO MEANS! (as Paul the apostle says.)
We often think of faith as something we have to muster up ourselves, a sheer act of will or personal effort. Pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps until we “feel” we’ve achieved faith.
But the whole tenor of the Bible, Old and New Testaments, is that even our trust, reliance, dependence on God (faith), is a free, undeserved, unworked for PRESENT. A lavish, extravagant, exhorbitant (to Him not us), GIFT from Him.
This can radically change how we see our relationship with God, and what it MEANS to be rescued.
The passage above is a “Read My Lips!” passage. Paul articulates very clearly that trust, reliance, dependence on God (faith), is not something we can produce on our own.
Rather, it is one of the MULTITUDINOUS, MULTIFARIOUS free gifts the LORD of Generosity holds out willingly for us to take. And that’s ALL we need to do- take it.
And, when a friend gives me a present, I don’t puff out my chest and say, “Wow! Yay me! I accepted this gift from N….. Aren’t I a boss!”
That would be stupid, ungrateful, and illogical. Inappropriate, arrogant, and ignorant.
The credit for our eternal salvation goes SOLELY to God, Father, Son, and Spirit of holiness.
Nor is my eternal rescue a COLLABORATIVE effort between me and God; it is wholly INITIATED, and ACCOMPLISHED by Him alone, without any help, let alone ours.
Luke the apostle says in chapter 17 vss 24-27 of “Acts of the Apostles”,
“The God who made the world and everything in it—he is Lord of heaven and earth- is NOT served by human hands, as though he NEEDED anything since he himself gives everyone life and breath and ALL THINGS (including faith- ed.)
(He) has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed TIMES (birth and death dates), and the boundaries of where they live (addresses).
He did this SO THAT they might SEEK GOD, and perhaps they might reach out and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.”
- When I understand that even my faith is wholly from God, it annihilates my human pride and self-reliance. If our faith were something we conjured up, we might be tempted to think of ourselves as better or more deserving than others.
2. And when I admit that my faith ITSELF is a present, I am reminded of my COMPLETE and UTTER dependence on God for EVERYTHING, including my faith in Him. As Jesus said in John 6:44, “No one CAN come to me, unless the Father who sent me DRAWS them.”
3. That is, even when I make a genuine, deliberate choice to turn to Jesus and become a Christian, THAT TOO comes from God working within me by His Spirit.
4. This is both humbling and comforting.
Humbling because it reminds me that I CANNOT and SHOULD NOT claim credit for ANY PART of Jesus’ rescue of me, not even my faith.
It is comforting because it assures me that my relationship with God DOESN’T depend on my ability to perform, believe perfectly, or maintain my faith through my own strength.
Rather, it is rooted in God’s unshakable generosity, loyalty and promise. His truth, His Son, His Spirit, His Word. In his letter to the Philippians, chapter 1 vs 6, Paul the apostle reassuringly says:
“… being confident of this, that he who BEGAN a good work in you, will CARRY IT ON TO COMPLETION, until the day of (the return of) Christ Jesus.”
5. When I understand that my faith is a present it also deepens my gratitude to the LORD. Every time I trust God in awful times, and believe His promises, I understand that my actions are evidence of God’s Spirit working within me to restore His image in me, and make me more like Jesus.
6. My faith is not something I ACHIEVE; it’s something I RECEIVE. Give me a God like THAT and I want to spend the rest of my life PLEASING Him! Not to be rescued eternally, but because I HAVE BEEN rescued eternally. Out of gratitude to Him.
7. If He is the author of our faith, we can also ask Him to INCREASE our faith. In Luke chapter 17 vs 5 the apostles say to Jesus: “Increase our faith!” God loves to answer prayers like that because He always wants us to trust Him more deeply.
8. And when I emotionally and intellectually assimilate that even my ability to trust God comes from Him, I can shift from self-reliance to giving Him what He’s worth with every part of my life.
His gift to me of faith is proof perfect of his sublime love and self-sacrificial generosity and reminds me that He alone deserves all the glory.
Graciously Heavenly Father,
Praise You for giving us faith in You and not expecting us to come up with it on our own. I beg You to give Your free gift of faith to my friends (………….) and family )……………..) who don’t yet know You.
For Jesus’ mighty name,
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please increase my faith and that of my Christian friends, family, and those over me in the Lord (………….). Also Christian members of our Government (………….), those of other nations (……………..), and missionaries I know (……………..). “We believe. Please help our unbelief!”
That Jesus’ name might be worshipped on high,
Our gracious God and Loving Heavenly Father,
Please give Your free gift of faith to those who work in the Entertainment industry and don’t yet know You (……………..). Also to the unbelieving rulers of countries in drought, at war, in unrest, and famine, like (…………………..),
That Jesus Holy name might be praised,

All reactions:
4Alicia Watson, Chiquit Brammall and 2 others