Kigali livestreams

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The big news from Kigali will be the conference statement tomorrow, but we’ll go behind the scenes today. For australians, the news is that Richard Condie has stepped down as chair of Gafcon Australia, with Peter Smith from WA stepping up. I am told it was an emotional farewell, with people grateful for Richard doing the hard work of getting Gafcon Australia really moving. In other news, the Gafcon Primates have just announced they are setting up an endowment fund.

They are seeking $US10m to provide an income stream, which could come from 1,000 “founders” who will give $US10,000 over three years. the meeting began with six, and Richard Condie, presenting the appeal called for more to stand. there was clapping, so we assume some more stood up.

The Heart of Gafcon live stream

And the main conference session will be live in this window