The Christmas Meaning of Real

Real Christmas

Charles Brammall idea for a different Christmas talk

I don’t know how many times I have heard a Christmas sermon, kids’ talk, or Carols address, on “The REAL Meaning of Christmas”.

And having surrendered to Jesus fifty seven years ago now (through CH Spurgeon’s 1866 “The Wordless Book”), it’s a lot!

And it’s a wonderful topic- challenging people to ponder the true Christo-centric and Gospel-focussed significance of the celebration.

But I can’t help thinking it might be helpful to have some variety sometimes.

So… here’s a new(?) idea for a Christmas sermon- I’ve never preached on it… yet. But I hope to as soon as I can! (Anyone else ever preached on it?)

“The CHRISTMAS Meaning of Real”

We generally use “Real” as a compliment. We call someone real if they have honesty, transparency, and integrity. Also faithfulness, reliability, and loyalty. And we’re not wrong- they’re utterly legitimate forms of “realness”.

But we also use it to describe things that are REALLY precious in a balanced life.

Things like family, friends, and happiness. Also health, peace, and the (often squandered!) benefits of youth. And intelligence, absence of boredom, and stimulation. As well, work security, income, and leisure time. And sleep, good food and drink, and reputation. Also satisfying productive work, and fairness and justice.

And those are terrific kinds of “real”.

But I believe the Bible shows we’re off kilter with OUR definition. 

The REAL meaning of “real” is… CHRISTMAS (lit., “the Christ Banquet”)

Why? Because Christmas is the realest thing that’s ever happened in history, and the universe. Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father giving up His only child Jesus, to come to earth and be born (not created) as a human.

And to take the punishment we deserve… HIMSELF.

in our place,
as a substitute for us,
instead of us, 

Laying HIS life down for us.

The great switcheroo!

Why? To pay for our ignoring and rebelling against the Father’s kind authority over us, and rejecting Him as our Ruler.

Declaring our autonomy over Him.

Making ourselves the arbiters of what is right and wrong, good and bad.

That is, playing God.

Crowning ourselves “Little Kings”

Paul Kelly, a “good Catholic boy” (with a delightful amount of Bible knowledge), sang:

“In the land of the LITTLE KINGS,
… everywhere the little kings
Are getting away with murder…
Every day I hear the warning bells
They’re so busy building palaces
They don’t see the poison in the wells.

In the land of the little kings
Profit is the only thing…
Justice don’t mean a thing
And everywhere the little kings
Are getting away with murder.”


But the CHRISTMAS meaning of real is the opposite of that.

And it’s something I can EXPERIENCE:

By surrendering to Jesus MY King, now. By getting to know Him in the Bible, helped by His Spirit of Holiness. By putting my trust in Him, relying on Him, and depending on Him. Believing in Him, hanging on His every Word in the Bible, and following Him. 

Because UNlike Santa, He’s not just a… LEGEND.

Jesus is the real “birthday boy” at Christmas. Santa is just the clown who entertains us at the party.

I can get the birthday Boy RIGHT at Christmas.

And not confuse Him with the clown!

The CHRISTMAS meaning of “real”? – Jesus.

Happy Christ Banquet!