They are not ‘revs,’ but Philip and Deanne Gerber are Nyngan’s new Ministers

Phil and Deanne Gerber

Philip and Deanne Gerber are “not really camper/caravan people,” but have come up with an adventurous idea in retirement. They will be grey nomads of a different, not-so-nomadic sort. Instead of touring, they are heading out from Sydney to spend time in Nyngan, population 1953 and home of the “Big Bogan”.

Bathurst Bishop Mark Calder has appointed Philip and Deanne Gerber as “Lay Stipendiary Ministers of Nyngan.”

“Like the BCA Grey Nomads we thought it was a another/better option to aimless ‘grey nomad’ wandering,” Phillip Gerber says

Thy are “Lay” because they are not ordained. “Stipendiary” because they will be paid something. “Ministers” because they will be doing the work of gospel ministry. “Nyngan” because they are headed to the township 576 km north-west of Sydney by road.

“I kept on being challenged by Bishop Calder’s Facebook pleas for support in vacant parishes (a God challenge?), Philip Gerber tells The Other Cheek. “We were wondering how God could use us more at our stage in life, kids all off our hands married, grandchildren all growing up, reasonable health (not that there was not plenty of Christian service to do in Sydney).
“Deanne felt God was preparing us for something else. Our daughter and Dave Piper are stepping out from Gunnedah to Emerald Qld with BCA as Rector. Hearing of Aussie Christian missionary Dr Ken Elliot still serving in Burkina Faso at age 82 after 40 yrs (when he was kidnapped and survived 7 yrs before being released). So we thought ‘why not test it?’ We approached Bathurst and it seems God and Nyngan can use us for a season.”

“Nyngan Anglican is a dozen faithful elderly women (80+) and 1 man aged 67ish” Gerber told the Other cheek. From little things… Here’s what Deanne and Philip have been charged to do by Bishop Mark:
1. As lay stipendiary ministers, to help look after the day-to-day running of the parish, planning and preaching at Sunday services, assisting with funerals, and supporting the churchwardens and parish council>
2. To undertake such pastoral visiting as seems appropriate
3. To work with Will Marr (local unlicensed Lay Minister and Churchwarden) and the Rev’d James Damond (Rector Cobar)to implement the parish strategic plan, especially with regard to HOPE25
4. To lead a Bible study should opportunity/interest arise.
5. To seek to make contact with Anglicans and others not currently attending church.
6. To help comfort the congregation in the unsettledness of having a number of years without clergy.
7. To assist the bishop in understanding the parish and what is needed moving forward.

Reflecting on those challenges, Philip Gerber tells The Other Cheek, “In multiple ways God has shown us by what has occured to date and His specific provision much more than we epected that we should proceed and answer His call. The rest is up to Him.”

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