Being a good supporter of evangelism

helping hand

Charles Brammall on how to be a real help.

There are many things we can do to help evangelism in the background. The possibilities are endless, but a few ideas: 

  • Knit a jumper and beanie to be sold at a church craft stall at an evangelistic event
  • Go on your church’s mission trip to a struggling church to help paint the crying room
  • Do face painting with kids at the evangelistic event

There’s a couple at our church who clean the toilets, and no one knew they did until it was accidentally dropped one day.

Several great ones have urged me to adopt Scripture’s principles for giving to my church or mission – generously, sacrificially and secretly: Some people at our church gave their car to a missionary family who was on furlough. When that family went back to the field, they passed it on to other missionaries. A family at our church has offered to long-term lend their motorcycle to another Christian who could use it. A lady at our church handmade multiple copies of “The Wordless Book” for our mission trip to be used in doorknocking.

We can serve at church by doing sound or PowerPoint or the live-stream during the service or by singing or playing an instrument. 

Others at a past church of ours made meals for local unbelievers in crisis.

Praying is a powerful way to support evangelism behind the scenes because the LORD is powerful and answers. Pray for your church’s mission, your church staff on the front line of the Gospel, and for itinerant evangelists. A lady at our church prays for her entire congregation in the course of each month and emails each person to tell them what she’s prayed for them based on a passage of Scripture. She will receive “many crowns” in glory. 

Or we can write to and pray for missionaries or offer to volunteer at your local Bible college doing admin, gardening, or cleaning. We can give to “niche” evangelistic ministries in our city, which cross local cultures. There are many. For example, the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship, National Prayer Breakfast, City Bible Forum, Christians in the Media, or Ministry Training Strategy. Also, TAFE Bible Fellowship, Overcomers Outreach, Logosdor, Geneva Push, Katoomba Convention, Campus Bible Study, EU, CU, MTS, Excelsia, SMBC or Moore College, etc. Supporting these are all forms of Gospel work as well.

Readers, feel free to adapt the list, but you get the point!