Bike for Bibles’ leader has peddled his way to glory

Jim Blaxland July 29, 1943 – January 31, 2023

There was lots of lycra, or colourful cycling tops at least spread across a crowded church as Jim Blaxland, who inspired hundreds to Bike for Bibles was farewelled today.

The Yellow shirts were worn by bike riders who had accompanied Blaxland, on rides sometimes thousands of kilometres long, raising millions of dollars for the Bible Society. Their tour leader has reached home.

“He was prepared for anything: he had his helmet, his cleats. and above all he was clothed in God’s grace,” said Jennie Everist, a minister at St Luke’s Miranda in Southern Sydney, where the service was held. She described herself as a retired roadie for Bike for Bibles.

Blaxland was a humble, selfless, generous human being, she said. “His practical nature combined with a love of adventure. She called for a show of hands for those who had been on Bike for Bibles rides, and a forest of hundreds of arms, many clad in yellow, went up.

Les Moore, a long-time friend, outed himself as the one who broke his leg and whose doctor told him cycling would strengthen his legs. “Jim said, lets ride for Bike for Bibles. Besides shepherding cyclists, Moore said, Blaxland and his wife Lyn became shepherds who helped him into the kingdom of God.

John Gardiner, another long-time rider told of epic bike rides including Broome to Sydney which was over 7,000 km. Blaxland he said was adventurous and humble. “He was happy being in the background, making sure everyone was having fun.” Typically he rode at the back of the group.

Rick George, a long-time colleague of both Jim Blaxland and me at Bible Society, provides this tribute:

“The Legendary BikeMan. I called him BikeMan. He was a friend to everyone who met him, Jim Blaxland. Who encouraged hundreds, including myself to get into Bike riding.

“Jim said to me ‘Get a bike, It’ll be Fun,’ he said, ‘and it will help with your back injury recovery.’ It wasn’t long after this that I had a bike, and was actually on a Bike for Bibles ride, with the Legendary BikeMan himself. What I loved about Jim on these rides was that he was an amazing encourager and would spend most of his time at the back of the pack, helping us slow riders to the finish. Once, I was having bike trouble, getting multiple flat tyres.

“Jim said’Not enough air, pump it up really hard, that’ll sort it out.’ So doing as Jim said, I pumped and pumped that tire until bang, a deafening exploson, that nearly deafened me and gave me such a fright I jumped back metres. 😊 All will sadly miss BikeMan. He loved God, his family and organising crazy long fundraising Bike rides.”

Bike for Bibles site is here

Image Inset Jim Blaxland, and a Bike for Bibles ride group