Breaking News: Martyn Iles leaving ACL

Martyn Iles has been removed from his position as managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby. The Other Cheek understands it was a decision of the board. Iles was taking the organisation in a direction the board disagreed with, namely towards being an evangelist.

Iles is an effective evangelist, running successful rallies in several capital cities and drawing thousands, under the ACL banner. In the past the ACL has kept to the task of representing conservative Christians in the public sphere on policy rather than seeing itself as a evangelistic group.

A possible concern has been that the ACL has been emerging as an alternative to churches in some respects – for example distributing the gospel of John to housholds in the name of ACL rather than through local churches.

It may be that this is a story of a simple mismatch, an enormously talented man who is a gifted communicator who has followed his heart. It may be that a desire to evangelise has moved Iles away from the priorities of the ACL board. Many Christians will see both sides of that question.

An official announcement is on the way.

Update: Martyn Iles writes

Dear All – I write with significant news that will provoke mixed reactions.

After 5 incredible years as managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby, my employment has been terminated by the Board.

I hasten to add that there is no question of misconduct. Rather, the Board has reviewed ACL’s strategic direction and decided I am not the right person to lead the revised strategy, which focuses more primarily on political tactics, less on the gospel. Having heard this articulated, I absolutely agree with them that I am not the right person for that vision. I have always been a preacher first, a politician second (or third……).

Please pray for the Board as ACL passes through this process, that their decisions would advance God’s will.

Although I think the strategy isn’t the right one, I leave without bitterness. God’s providence works through all things, including our own disappointments.

Meanwhile, I expect God to open another door. Indeed, some things have already started to happen in that regard – more details on that in due course.

*** Great Blessings ***

It is hard to account for all that has happened over the past 5 years. It has been massive and surprising.

But it has been good.

The Lord has blessed our work immensely. I could fill books with all that has happened. From Israel Folau to Babylon and everything in-between, it’s like a great wind just blew, and here we are.

In terms of metrics, ACL’s annual income, supporter numbers, donors, and staff numbers have all roughly tripled.

A technologically sophisticated digital campaign platform has recently been completed, to coordinate and empower some 10,000 volunteers (and growing).

The ministry of The Truth of It has brought together massive audiences, and gone global, reaching millions.

And the gospel has been declared to the nation, in mainstream media, on alternative media, and through the distribution of millions of gospels by volunteers. In my view, this is our greatest achievement.

I believe Australia has been blessed. That has been God’s doing.

*** Special Thanks ***

I want to thank you, as a supporter, for being part of this movement. Thank you to those who donated, volunteered, turned up, or simply signed up.

To my staff – I owe you a great debt. Your support has been unflinching. A more faithful and talented group of 40 people can scarcely be found anywhere.

I wish to single out Dan Flynn, for your sacrificial service to me, to ACL and to the Lord.

Also, Israel Folau. A man who still inspires me because of your courageous testimony, against all odds.

Most of all, however, thank you to all of you who prayed. The burdens were impossible. The spiritual attacks were intense. The stakes were so high. But your prayers got us through – more than you will ever know!

*** The Future ***

ACL is now a huge people-powered activist movement making truth public. The fundamentals are so strong.

Please pray for the Board as they look to appoint a new CEO who can carry the baton forward in a way that accords with their goals.

It has been the great privilege of my life. Thank you – and again, I say, thank you!




  1. ACL if Christian should spread the gospel and I think Martin did that successfully. I will be sorry to see him go but I am sure he will not be S linked at ,east I hope not.

    • I agree he is a great disciple for Jesus spreading His truth through the word of God.🙏❤️

      • Thankyou Martyn for your faithfulness to the Word and to Jesus. Your inspiration has help many to look up and go on – He will bless you as you stay true to His ongoing commission . Love and prayers for the steps ahead🙏🙏

    • Thank you, Martyn for the great leadership at ACL in the past 5 years. To me you are an inspiration and encouragement as you obeyed God in all that you did. Many blessings to you as you keep what you best do – preach and tell the truth (in the political arena).

  2. “A simple mismatch”? “An enormously talented man who is a gifted communicator?”
    Hang on, your word processor is broken. Let me have a go…
    “An ugly bigot. A disseminator of hate speech. A man out of step with the mainstream Christian community who thinks of Iles as an embarassment.”
    There. I’ve fixed it for you. Be better in future.

    • The comment section seems to disagree with you.

      • Martin, your faith and clear, understandable teaching is precious and rare! God bless you in whatever He has for you to do! Thank you!!!
        Hearts are so hungry for God. Not for a modern, diluted direction, but for Jesus and the message of forgiveness and salvation. You make that message so definite and clear.
        I have thought of you as a present day Billy Graham. I pray God will protect you from the evil one’s snares. Again, God bless you in all you do for His glory Martin.

        • I have just cancelled my monthly financial support not good enough ACL. Colin Webber

    • The Christian truth is based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Martin preached that gospel. If those you call mainstream don’t agree with that gospel What kind of Christianity are you referring to?

      • Thanks Martyn for speaking the TRUTH which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ He is our only hope and answer. You lead this organisation well even though you were probably hemmed in by others and the board. Sad to see you go God Bless

    • Mainstream Christian community? What’s that? Progressive Christianity.
      Have you read the Bible lately? Did you know Jesus preached on hell more times than heaven.

    • I venture carefully to say that it is not Martyn who is out of step with the mainstream Christian community, rather the mainstream Christian community that is progressively out of step with God and the Bible, and is taking on worldly standards to accommodate their compromised lifestyles. If one listens fully when Martyn speaks, it is done from a position of love, honesty but with no compromise. He is a credit to the real and faithful Christian community.

      • Jenny, you are certainly correct about “…mainstream Christian community that is progressively out of step with God and the Bible.” But, sadly, that doesn’t mean Martin Iles has been faithful to God’s Word either. I think, like many para-Christian groups and their leaders, they may often sound like they’re doing a Godly work and being faithful to God, but it is largely smoke and mirrors, with agendas that are not Godly at all. ACL, of course, are not alone in this, one could also cite the Salvation Army, Anglicare, pro-life groups, etc, who have largely gone unchecked, especially by the Christian community, and have clearly become apostate. Mr Iles, is very much about marketing and psychology strategies to move ACL along, and dare I add, contrary to what you say, often compromised. Israel Folau was a gold mind for ACL. Mr Iles took full advantage of that. As was the Same Sex Marriage referendum (which Lyle Shelton gleefully presided over, with Mr Iles under him). Tens of millions of dollars poured into ACL coffers by well-meaning Christians (with Folau saga, many of these never got their money back or only part of it). And ACL certainly made during these times, as with all the issues they have got on the bandwagon with, that their email address data expanded. Compromise: I will use one example, which I thought was horrific and terribly unfaithful to God’s Word. Mr Iles was willing to abandon over 95% of unborn babies, here, in SA (of course, he likely would have done this in other states). Although ACL will state they are 100% prolife, Mr Iles supported a petition that went into many SA churches stating that “South Australian abortion laws are essential” and should be retained up to 28 weeks in SA. If you do not believe this, contact ACL SA’s Rep Christopher Brohier, who also stated that abortion laws up to 23 weeks should be “retained”. Mr Brohier can be contacted at [email protected] The argument by ACL and others so called pro-life groups in SA was was that it was a “strategy”, so SA would not get full term abortion. They did this, and convinced many church leaders and professing Christians in SA to do likewise, despite what God says in the Bible about looking after widows and orphans and “Though shall not murder”, etc. Yes, Mr Iles will move on, and ACL will likely get worse under an already their board, but Mr Iles words that we, as Christians, should not be “ashamed of the gospel” and “be bold for Christ” rings hollow for many.
        PS I am more than happy to send people the abobe mentioned ‘petition’ and more information on this.

        • Jenny, you are certainly correct about “…mainstream Christian community that is progressively out of step with God and the Bible.” But, sadly, that doesn’t mean Martyn Iles has been faithful to God’s Word either. I think, like many para-Christian groups and their leaders, they may often sound like they’re doing a Godly work and being faithful to God, but it is largely smoke and mirrors, with agendas that are not Godly at all. ACL, of course, are not alone in this, one could also cite the Salvation Army, Anglicare, pro-life groups, etc, who have largely gone unchecked, especially by the Christian community, and have clearly become apostate. Mr Iles, is very much about marketing and psychology strategies to move ACL along, and dare I add, contrary to what you say, often compromised. Israel Folau was a gold mind for ACL. Mr Iles took full advantage of that. As was the Same Sex Marriage referendum (which Lyle Shelton gleefully presided over, with Mr Iles under him). Tens of millions of dollars poured into ACL coffers by well-meaning Christians (with Folau saga, many of these never got their money back or only part of it). And ACL certainly made during these times, as with all the issues they have got on the bandwagon with, that their email address data expanded. Compromise: I will use one example, which I thought was horrific and terribly unfaithful to God’s Word. Mr Iles was willing to abandon over 95% of unborn babies, here, in SA (of course, he likely would have done this in other states). Although ACL will state they are 100% prolife, Mr Iles supported a petition that went into many SA churches stating that “South Australian abortion laws are essential” and should be retained up to 28 weeks in SA. If you do not believe this, contact ACL SA’s Rep Christopher Brohier, who also stated that abortion laws up to 23 weeks should be “retained”. Mr Brohier can be contacted at [email protected] The argument by ACL and other so called pro-life groups in SA was that it was a “strategy”, a “tactis”, so SA would not get full term abortion. They did this, and convinced many church leaders and professing Christians in SA to do likewise, despite what God says in the Bible about looking after widows and orphans and “Thou shall not murder”, etc. Yes, Mr Iles will move on, and ACL will likely get worse under an already compromised board, but Mr Iles words that we, as Christians, should be “unashamed of the gospel” and “bold for Christ” rings hollow for many.
          PS I am more than happy to forward anyone the above mentioned pro-chice ‘petition’ that ACL supported and more information on this.

      • I have a gay daughter and struggle immensely to speak with her about what the gospel says about gender, sexuality and same sex marriage because I am afraid of alienating her and losing her. Martyn has spoken extremely effectively on these issues, and what he has said has inspired me to act in accordance with the Gospel of Christ in this matter, which you could label a political issue. Martyn’s Gospel-centred approach on this issue has informed me greatly and has translated into action on my part. Is this not a victory in both the political and gospel realms? Christians need a gospel oriented approach to politics, and Martyn has succeeded in leading the way in this regard.

    • If the mainstream majority disagrees with the bible, the majority is wrong.

    • Wow Nathan.. there’s only one ugly thing in this, and that’s your very hateful and untrue comment… Maybe the woke church views Martin as an embarrassing bigot, certainly not bible following folk…with love and sincerity, give yaself a biblical uppercut mate.

  3. I will pray for both ACL and Martyn. If this is God’s will, then I’m surprised and well and good – he’s surprised me before :-).

    If this is malfeasance, God will have his way in the end anyway.

  4. I am gob smacked as I saw Martin as ACL. He will be missed and I sincerely hope his gifts can be well utilised elsewhere and that ACL will continue to grow under someone else.

  5. Thank you Martyn Iles for all you’ve done at ACL I look forward to hearing more of your evangelism in your future to come and in your Career. Thank you for your gracious exist . You have left with integrity, your sister in Christ, Carmel Parker.

  6. So sad to see this man “appointed for such a time as this. Without a doubt God will make away for even greater impact on our Society. God bless and we will support you and pray for you. Thank you and your family. God is no man’s debtor.

  7. Thank you, Martin. You have blessed many. May God bless many more through you.
    Don’t accept criticism from anyone you wouldn’t accept advice from. Keep up the work to which you are called. Well done!

    Thank you ACL. You have empowered many. Keep up the work to which you were called. Well done to all the board and staff who have served unflinchingly.

  8. Interesting thinking that mobilising thousands of Christians from all denominations to letterbox the bible is taking over the job of the local church!! The church is bigger than most christians think and working together was such a testimony of unity. That “wind” blew in our spirits as we were not ashamed of the gospel. In the end its not about political issues but about hearts needing transformation. Thank you Martyn for being strong and courageous – it has given me more courage too.

    • Cecilia, possibly we should say, “might work best if it is done in partnership
      p with the local church.” I am sure your experience of unity was wonderful. All I am suggesting is plugging it into the local church(es) a bit better!

      • Funny you say that. I tried getting our local pastor to partner with ACL and he abused the organizers of it behind my back.

      • Wow, exactly what is the local church? Once someone gives their life to God, they are part of the church, the called out ones. There is no “Local Church”. We shouldn’t have to consult with the church establishment to do letter box drops. Perhaps if what you called the local church actually inspired Christians to do something instead of whinging about something they don’t have control of.

    • Some of us don’t have local churches with which to engage in evangelism and letterboxing, as the Anglican diocese of Gippsland has fallen in to satan’s trap of embracing that which is wordly, rather than that which is biblical.

      • Let us hope that the board of ACL has not fallen into the same trap. I will watch and see.

  9. In my heart I believe the ACL Board has made a very unwise decision. Martin has shown guts and intelligence and I believe Godly wisdom across many complex and challenging issues. Nothing Martin said or did grated with me and I believe God put him where he was for a purpose. That is to make the gospel the core on which everything stands. God bless you Martin.

  10. Thank Martin, it will be very interesting to see the direction that will fight on God’s side to bring down tyranny especially toward Christianity in this nation including christian schooling leaving our young ones to the devices of the enemy.
    All the best mate in the great things that God has for you, and the new path toward your destiny.

  11. Martyn so sad that you will no longer be with ACL but excited for the future, hope and destiny God has prepared for you. He opens doors that no man can shut and shuts doors no man can open. Blessings 🙏

  12. This is some sad news, as a new believer I loved Martyns ability to speak truth with love and precision. May God bless all your hard labour for ACL and bless you on the next path he wishes to take you on. The gospel is our main priority so I’m encouraged by your words of leaving and leaving without bitterness, the Lord has something else for you

  13. Your work will continue wherever God leads you Martyn. Thank you for your inspiring talks over the years. I will uphold you and ACL as you each do what you have been called to do for Jesus Christ.

  14. It’s sad to see a talented man move on, however at the same time it appears he was moving more into personal branding than delivering on the important function of ACL to lobby the government to keep Christ at the centre of our Judao Christian culture. Martin Iles ministries is more suitable to his temperment and I wish him all the best with this. The board was caught flatfooted in this whole situation, and I hope they get their act together to rally staff, appoint someone like Wendy and thank Martin. I hope there are no further repercussions for Martin or the ACL brand as we need Christian unity.

    • Shockers – Martin did a great job reviving ACL that was irrelevant and boring at the time. He has a strong voice and was able to stand up under pressured debates. He brought a vibrant and relevant voice of truth to all ages. What a waste, sorry to see him go.

    • We are called to practice what we preach, and that those who lobby government for Christian rights, must also engage in those rights, lest they be deemed unnecessary. (Colossians 3:17) “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

  15. Martyn is a prophetic voice addressing the issues of the day. He employes evangel-ism or ‘good news’ in doing so. He faithfully speaks for God using ‘God’s Word’ as a “good and faithful servant”. Ephesians 2:10: future ‘good works prepared for Martyn.

  16. How is it taking the place of church when there is no church that could nationally distribute gospels to millions of people. It needs a coordinated effort from an organisation. And there were so many churches that worked WITH ACL to distribute- that’s not taking the place. Those gospels would likely have brought people to their local church because they certainly can’t attend a Sunday meeting at ACL.

    • Well said Emily. The ACL is primarily a Christian political group, so distributing Bibles is in accord with their Christian focus. Making converts who will stand up for political issues which are pertinent to Christians seems a great idea to me. Said in another way, placing the Gospel in the hands of people will bear fruit, and will result in more Christians who can lobby for their faith to be applied in all areas of life, including the political sphere.

  17. I am so shocked and heartbroken by this. It was Martyn who really brought the work of ACL to us and we are so thankful for him. What kind of Board does this?
    Praying for Martyn and that the Lord will direct his steps and give him more opportunity to spread God’s word and speak for truth openly. So vital in these last days. Blessings upon Martyn. We support him fully.

  18. Thank you Martyn for consistently reminding us Christians that following Jesus faithfully and sacrificially is our duty and pleasure. You have read the times for us and spoken the truth. As we watch you respond to this surprising test, may God strengthen you to glorify Him alone and give you grace to overcome. The world will be watching and may they see that God is Love and His kingdom is not divided.

  19. Dear ACL board members, wake up!! Are you kidding me? Why would you put politics at the centre instead of the gospel? Why would you do that after seeing the result of having Christ at the centre for the last 5 years? Martyn had led the ACL as it should be, he’s created more unity than the churches. What was the one thing Jesus told us Christians to do in Mt 28/ Mk 16 – was it to focus on political tactics then?

  20. Well done Board of directors…you have sacked the most influential ACL leader that has gained much support in membership, finances and influence. Christian’s want a leader that has the courage to speak the truth, not someone that panders to the political flavour of the day.
    The board should step down too as they are out of touch or too political!

    • Fully agree with you Kenny. Spot on. ACL was happily whistling and riding into the sunset until Martyn came on the scene. And now ! This !

  21. This whole thing doesn’t make sense to me. Martin Iles is a LAWYER, and regularly spoke on Political topics, but yet they are saying it’s not political enough? I do hope the ACL will become more militant, but I wonder if him criticising the Queensland Police force was the last straw scaring the board. Afterall under Martin Iles, the ACL was put on a “Hate group” watch list by a left-wing American organization last year.

    So will their more “political direction” be one of more militancy, or political compromise like how Peter Abetz operates the ACL in Western Australia?

  22. I have been impressed by a particularly gifted man who had a tremendous gift in communication. He could think on his feet and argue effectively for the true gospel that sets people truly free.
    He understood that the apostolic gospel was central to all political debates and without this foundation we fall into a trap of legalistic self righteousness. ( Martin Iiles)

    • Well said, I couldn’t agree with you more!

  23. God has another greater plan for you Martyn. You have been a courageous leader for ACL. In this day and age, courage is lacking in many Christian leaders to spread the Truth of the gospel without compromise, but you have it! You have an anointing on your life. I have been blessed and so as ACL to have you at the helm, however, God has a much bigger calling for you!

  24. this is a sad day for Australian Christians when a man like Martyn isles is sidelined in our mission to overcome the apathy and hostility to Christ’s message in our society today.

  25. “He who pursues righteousness and love, finds life, prosperity and honour.” Proverbs 21:21

  26. John 15:18 declares that: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”
    We should not be afraid to evangelise in everything that we do, and ignore those who hate us, for they first hated the Lord. We will not shirk from responsibility to spread the gospel, and any who state otherwise, are like the Pharisee.

    Which side of history do you wish to be on?

  27. Wow!! I would have thought Martyn was doing EXACTLY what he should be – faithfully representing the interests of the (true) Christian community in Australia within the political sphere. My family thank you, Martyn, for the amazing things you have done & the fantastic courage to keep speaking the truth openly. Don’t ever stop!! We’ve loved journeying with you & will continue to do so wherever He leads you next. Look forward to your new YouTube channel!

  28. Dear Board Members,
    Politics wont change a nation only the beautiful cleansing power of the Gospel (The Good news). Our political system is controlled by the father of lies through his Globalist servants (see Davos 2023) so why waste your time & money on influencing Canberra.
    What really matters is the Truth of the gospel awakening mankinds hearts from death to life.
    You have lost a man that was unafraid to speak the Truth in a World that is screaming out for just that. Where now do they look to politics?

    • Thank You Don, You speak the truth. Too many so called Christians on Boards are just religious. Not truely Born of the Holy Spirit!

  29. Martyn is a rare champion of the faith. It is rare to find someone who can debate and defend Christian values in the public arena these days. I hope the board members of ACL will show what they are made of by taking over the public debate that Martyn was removed from. Very disappointed.

  30. I have been thinking for sometime that Martyn Iles Has a calling but not in law. law it is useful to know, but the gift that he has been given is far more valuable. Good one Martyn this is a God thing

  31. This is what you get when you run things like a modern day company. Faceless men and women in back rooms scared of the truth and ashamed of it. We are not called to change politics to “Christans ways” We are called to change hearts one at a time. Jesus reacted to the beheading of His cousin by preaching and healing the sick. Time to reach out to neighbours and the streets around us with the truth and NOT BE ASHAMED of the Godpel

  32. The biggest issue in Australian politics is character. Central to the development of character is transformation of the mind. The vehicle is the Living Word. The dearth of statesmen is palpable. All problems political and of the other six hills will kneel before those who are called and aware of their identity in Christ. Our objective whatever the sphere is to equip statesman. A man like Martin Isles is on the road to statesmanship. All that matters is that both he and his colleagues at ACL discern their respective courses and are obedient to their respective callings.

  33. Wow, such a shame. Who else will be as well received and be as well respected as Martyn was on shows such as QandA?
    Who will we be even bothered to watch now on ACL YouTube channel? I fear you cut off your nose to spite your face.

  34. Martin you will be missed, and i am sure the Lord of Glory has something else for you to do, I appreciate you and samre with many others, you would be better to be away from a organisation that is half hearted about the Gospen and the word of God. They like many churches are going in the way of Baalum and that is not good. I will pray for you Martin and i know you will land on your feet with Gods leading.
    God bless Martin

  35. Stopped listening to Martin when he was pro-thevax. Anyone could see it was anti God. Martin was a going-with-the-flow guy.

  36. I seem to recall that in the New Testament, Paul and Barnabus had a “barney”… They had different ideas and strategies. What ended up happening because of this, was that the gospel spread further, with each individual going in a different direction. Martyn’s future may not be with ACL. I believe God has an even bigger plan for Martyn, and I believe that this move frees him up to be used by God in a HUGE way! God bless you Martyn. God will continue to use you in a mighty way!

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