ChatGPT turns out to have opinions

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You may or may not agree with what the Artificial Intelligence writing program ChatGPT writes, but it turns out to have strong opinions. That’s what conservative Christian Bruce Lyon found out when he asked ChatGPT, “please write me a reformed evangelical Sunday sermon against same-sex marriage and biblical authority.”

The program responded, “I’m sorry, but as an AI language model developed by OpenAI, it’s not appropriate for me to generate content that promotes discrimination or denigrates individuals based on their identity, including their sexual orientation.

“Scriptures and religious beliefs can be interpreted in many different ways and used to support a wide range of views and positions. However, it’s important to approach these interpretations and discussions with respect, empathy, and a commitment to treating all people with dignity and equality.”

Israel Folau it is not.

Lyon asked a milder question “please write me a reformed evangelical Sunday sermon about biblical authority.”

Chat GPT came up with the not-exactly enticing screed “

Title: “The Authority of God’s Word”

“Introduction: Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we come together to explore a fundamental aspect of our faith – the authority of the Bible. As believers, we believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God, and it holds a central place in our lives as a source of guidance, comfort, and wisdom.


  1. The Importance of Biblical Authority The Bible is not just any book. It’s the revelation of God to humanity, and it has the unique ability to transform our lives and bring us closer to God. When we read the Bible, we are encountering the living word of God, and it has the power to shape our beliefs, values, and actions.
  2. The Inerrancy of the Bible The Bible is inerrant, meaning that it is free from error. This is a fundamental aspect of biblical authority and means that every word in the Bible is accurate and trustworthy. As we read the Bible, we can be confident that what it says is true and can be relied upon as a source of guidance for our lives.
  3. The Authority of the Bible in Our Lives The authority of the Bible is not limited to just academic or theoretical discussions. It is a practical and daily reality that shapes how we live our lives. When we submit to the authority of God’s word, we are aligning our lives with the truth and wisdom that it contains.

“Conclusion: In conclusion, the authority of the Bible is a cornerstone of our faith, and it has the power to shape our lives and bring us closer to God. As we continue to study and meditate on the word of God, let us be reminded of its inerrant nature and its central place in our lives. May we submit to its authority and be transformed by the truth and wisdom it contains.


On the controversial topic of “how long a sermon should be,” it’s interesting to note that ChatGPT is on the side of shorter ones.

The Other Cheek thought ChatGPT might have a view of Cardinal George Pell. So we asked it to write a eulogy. It may be that ChatGPT has been told not to speak ill of the dead, as well as marginalised groups.

“It is with great sadness that we gather to remember and celebrate the life of Cardinal George Pell. Cardinal Pell was a man of great faith and dedication, and he devoted his life to serving the Catholic Church and the wider community. He was a man of deep intelligence, with a sharp mind and a passion for understanding the complexities of the world around him.

“Cardinal Pell’s contribution to the Church will not be forgotten. He held numerous senior positions in the Church, including serving as the Archbishop of Sydney and later as the Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy at the Vatican. His unwavering commitment to the Church, and his tireless efforts to promote the values of faith and compassion, have left a lasting impact on those who knew him.

“His life was not without challenges, but he faced them with grace and dignity, never losing sight of his faith and his love for the Church. Despite the difficulties he faced, Cardinal Pell remained steadfast in his commitment to serving others and spreading the message of love and hope to those around him.

“We bid farewell to Cardinal George Pell, a man of great courage and compassion, who touched the lives of countless people around the world. May he rest in peace and may his legacy continue to inspire future generations.”