Remove Hollingworth’s license: Melbourne Anglicans start a petition
UPDATE: The ABC reports “In a statement released on Friday, Dr Hollingworth said he had returned his permission to officiate, “commonly granted to retired priests, allowing me to conduct services at my local parish as well as marriage, funerals and… Continue Reading
The sins that don’t make headlines, but should
An Obadiah Slope column Writing from jail: an Anglican minister Mark Coleman, tells readers of the Church Times that he is in prison for his Christian beliefs. Was it for taking a stand on same-sex marriage? Walking through a demonstration… Continue Reading
Kanishka Raffel grilled by the students at Bunda Bible College
Bunda is a town on the eastern shores of Lake Victoria in Tanzania, about the size of a large regional city in Australia like Dubbo or Orange. It is home to Banda Bible College, where last week, Archbishop Kaniska Raffel… Continue Reading
The sexual politics of Gafcon
The timing could not have been worse for Gafcon. As the 1300 delegates gathered in Kigali, Rwanda, for the Global Anglican Futures Conference (Gafcon), news broke that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni would back an anti-gay bill includes the death penalty.… Continue Reading
Gafcon in Kigali: a Q and A
Supporters of the Global Anglican Futures Conference (Gafcon) meeting in Kigali might find this a negative piece. That’s because it is a collection of responses to readers who had critical questions or comments about the Gafcon 4 meeting in Kigali.… Continue Reading
Taking leave of Africa but will Africa really leave me?
We entered Africa through Rwanda during their week of remembrance of the Genocide Against the Tutsi and left it driving through the backcountry towns of Tanzania, where poverty strikes like a swift punch on the chin. From manicured, tragic, yet… Continue Reading
A bag of books and a pink villa
Just as 15-year-old Ruby Roberts from Sydney has discovered Tanzania, missionary Helen Hoskins is learning how to live as an Australian after 40-plus years serving there. Their lives intersected today in the Tanzanian town of Bunda, Hoskins donating her home… Continue Reading
The two sides of Africa: a safe house and Serengeti
We had a long journey, so the Gafcon-tiki tour was up at 4:30. It being Anzac day, we held an impromptu dawn service, with Dominic Steele leading in prayer. Then off to the diocese of Mara’s Mugumu Safe House for… Continue Reading
Women power and the Anglican Church of Tanzania
Australia formed the Tanzanian church, Bishop George Okoth of the Mara diocese told the garcon-tiki tour group. When the Church Mission Society ran out of money and announced they would withdraw from Tanzania, Australian missionaries stood fast and declared they… Continue Reading