Australian College of Theology becomes a University

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The Australian College of Theology (ACT), a consortium of theological institutions including Morling College, Sydney Missionary and Bible College and Ridley Melbourne, is to become the Australian University of Theology.

The ACT was previously registered as a University College.

ACT Board Chair, the Reverend Dr Roger Lewis, explains, “A basic principle of what distinguishes an Australian University from other higher education institutions is that it undertakes research at world standard. We are delighted that ACT has been recognised for its world standard research in theology.”

ACT Dean and CEO, Professor James Dalziel, notes that, “For many years, one of the Objects of the ACT Constitution has been to conduct ‘teaching and research in a manner and at a level comparable to the standards of Australian universities.’ We are pleased to see this long-term effort has been externally recognised.”

Adrienne Nieuwenhuis, TEQSA (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency) Acting chief Commissioner in a statement detailing that all the relevant state and territory ministers had been consulted before making the decision to grant university status “On behalf of the TEQSA Commission, I congratulate the Australian College of Theology on achieving registration as the nation’s 44th university.”

The ACT was established in 1891, and delivers courses in Theology, Ministry and Christian Studies. The offerings span from undergraduate degrees through to doctoral level, with almost 3,000 students enrolled in these courses. To date, over 25,000 men and women have graduated from ACT courses and gone on to significant careers in churches, church-related organisations, charities, and other walks of life with a strong Christian foundation.

The grant of Australian University status means the ACT/AUT joins Avondale University, The University of Divinity, Notre Dame Australia and the Australian Catholic University and universities with some form of links to Christian churches, although some of the ACT/AUT colleges are interdenominational.

The new Australian University of Theology celebrates its registration as an Australian University and all that it will mean for the institution, its Affiliated Colleges, academic staff and students.

However, Professor Dalziel says, “At the heart of our Christian faith is a sense that we’re not about worldly status and titles. That’s an important message for Christians at all times, but as the ACT enters this new season, we need to remember that our calling is something different to just focusing on status. It’s a calling to faithfully equip people to serve God’s church and God’s world.”

The ACT’s colleges

Bible College of South Australia,

Brisbane School of Theology,

Chinese Theological College Australia,

Christ College,

Laidlaw College,

Mary Andrews College,

Melbourne School of Theology

Morling College

Presbyterian Theological College.

Queensland Theological College,

Reformed Theological College,

Ridley College,

Sydney Missionary and Bible College,

Trinity College Queensland

Trinity Theological College

Youthworks College