Queensland and NSW kids get the message

Christmas is Merry Quiz Worx

Quiz Worx children’s ministry team ran 767 live puppet shows to over 87,000 kids last year – 362 of them were performed in five weeks in our Christmas period, Quiz Worz supporters’ nights gatherings were told this week. That’s not counting the tens of thousands of children who watched videos – including this writer’s SRE (volunteer religious teaching in a public school) class.

So far this year Quiz Worx has performed 399 shows with 119 of them being at Easter.

The Quiz Worx reach is growing.

“Christmas is by far the busiest time of the year for us at Quiz Works, ” the supporters night was told. “And next year, we’re hoping this year we’re hoping to have an even bigger Christmas season than last year.” A sneak preview of the Quiz Worx video for this year was shown. (The Other Cheek will report when it hits the net.)

But there’s more. “We’ve filmed a brand new video called Jesus Is In Control. And we even test filmed, this is exciting, a scene for an upcoming Epic two-part musical called The Story of The Greatest King Ever.” 

Emily, a Quiz Worx volunteer described how she got involved “Well, in 2021, I did a gap year program called Year 13. It’s run through Youth Works College, a Christian programme, and about middle of the year, Chrissy came and she told us about the ministry that Quiz Works does, and put out the call for volunteers. Now, I’d never even heard of Quiz Works, let alone seen a show or anything. But I love Jesus. I love kids, and I love performing. So I thought it sounded perfect. Now, this was 2021, so I didn’t get to do our performances at the end of that year because Covid, but was invited back in 2022 and have been back every year since and loved it.

Quiz Worx performer Michael was asked about the best bit of 2024. “My highlight was when Jared and I, we went to Yattalunga Valley Christian School on the central coast. This is school for students with autism. So we modified the show a little bit. We just made it a bit slower and a bit gentler. We added what you call a social story at the beginning, which is just a short rundown of what they could expect in the show. So it didn’t overwhelm anybody. And at the end, the teachers, they told us just how grateful that we were that we came, because most of these students have never seen live performance before and would’ve never heard about Jesus in this kind of way.”