It’s not fair! A new kids video for Easter

"It's not fair" Quiz Worx Easter 23

It’s not fair!

“When my brother gets into trouble, but I don’t,” says one girl.

“My brother has a big chocolate easter egg, and I can’t have any of it”, says a younger girl

“When my siblings blame me for something that I did not do,” says a boy.

“When people get sick, and you’re having fun at a party or somewhere else. That’s not fair.” says a thoughtful girl.

“Little Children die; that’s not fair.”

“I always get sick, and my sister doesn’t.”

“Someone gets to do something special with dad, and I don’t.”

“At school, someone would not share the equipment.”

“The war between Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine’s saying, ‘that’s not fair; what have we done?’”

The children Quiz Worx interviewed for their “it’s not fair” video for Easter are a thoughtful bunch. 

In Quiz Worx’s usual style, puppets and humans will point to the Bible to answer humanity’s common problem.

Here’s the promo video from Quiz Worx.

They summarise their new video for Easter in words, this way: “God is both all-loving and all-fair, and what Jesus did at Easter makes that perfectly clear.”

At eighteen minutes, “It’s not fair” will fit neatly into lessons for SRE (NSW) and RI (QLD) classes and assemblies or at non-state schools. And, yes, at church.

Quiz Worx is a ministry that presents the Good News of the Bible through performing creative live shows for kids, especially in state schools. That’s their main game. But they discovered during Covid that creative videos can also work, and their production quality went up and up during the pandemic.

You never come away from a Quiz Worx show without knowing why god sent his son Jesus into the world.

This video is free from – click the link at the top of their page – but if you can afford it, send them a donation.