Will Graham makes it to the bigger smoke

Will Graham

Will Graham is on a mission – the same mission as his grandfather Billy, of proclaiming the Gospel. And like Billy he’s beena visitor preacher to downunder but out of the headlines in smaller towns. But this year he’s heading up an evangelism push on the Gold Coast.

“Will Graham has had a long term relationship with the Australian nation, ” Karl Faase, Board Chair of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, tells The Other Cheek. “He loves to visit to tell people about Jesus and loves to take that message to regional cities. Will has been to country cities like Kalgoorlie, Alice Springs, Bathurst and Launceston. This June Will be in a more metropolitan centre, the Gold Coast. The BGEA Australia team and board are excited to have Will Graham back in our country and looking forward a significant gospel impact on the Gold Coast community.”

Will Graham will be asking the Gold Coast community to “look Up,” at the Gold Coast Convention centre Saturday June 29, at 6pm. Live Christian music will accompany Will Graham’s message from The Afters and Taya (formerly from Hillsong). 85 churches were represented at a launch event in February.

There’s a “Christian Life and Witness course” being held in several locations around the Gold Coast for those who want to volunteer for the event. A prayer night will be held at Glow Church in Robina on may 30 at 7pm.

Will Graham’s profile on the Look Up website includes a modest denial about being the next Billy graham.

“I’m not trying to be the next Billy Graham; I’m just Will Graham,” says the ordained minister. “I have a burden in my heart to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If that’s to an arena full of people or one person on the street, I will do whatever God is calling me to do.”

In addition to many international missions. For more than 15 years, Will Graham has made regular trips to Australia, meeting with Christian leaders and proclaiming the hope of Christ across the continent, including the communities of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Broken Hill, Alice Springs, Hobart, Launceston, and many others.

Over the course of more than 80 evangelistic outreaches in the United States and around the world, over 100,000 people have responded to begin a relationship with Jesus.

Image credit: lookupcelebration.com